Slow down with #SGart


Slow down with #SGart


"slow down with #sgart" is a virtual art wellness program for better mental wellbeing through slow and mindful looking of paintings by our #sgartists.  It is part of our signature art wellness programme.


ARTualize's Art Wellness programme incorporates art with wellness so that all of us can realize the power of paintings, that magical power of art that provides comfort to the spirit, nourishment to the soul and benefits to our mental wellbeing.  


What is Slow Looking


Slow looking is part of slow living, a lifestyle that espouses a slower approach in day to day living.  Time is taken to carry out everyday activities at a less hurried, more deliberate and mindful manner. 


Life is about living, about moments, about now.  But most of us are lost in a whirl of countless tasks every day, that we forget what it means to live.  Slow living reminds us to live, to take our time to savour all the things, people and experiences that passes through our day. 


When we do things slowly, we can be more mindful of what we are doing, we can be more present with who we are with, we can be more fully engaged in that moment. 


Slow living can be as simple as eating slower, talking slower, walking slower; doing daily mundane activities at a slower pace.


Slow looking is part of slow living, where we take our time to look at objects slowly and carefully.  And through this observation and examination, we learn and understand more about the objects we are looking at. 


What is Slow Looking with Art


Slow looking with art focuses on the slow looking of art objects, specifically paintings. 


Looking at a painting slowly helps us to learn more about the painting, helps us to appreciate art, but most importantly helps us to learn more about ourselves. Because what we think and feel about a painting can give insights about ourselves, insights that we may not be aware of.


Slowly looking at a painting also helps us to focus our mind onto the painting and lose ourselves into the wonder of the art piece, so that our mind can take a pause from the endless chatter and the incessant worrying, and relax for a period of peaceful meditative bliss. 


slow down with #sgart


"slow down with #sgart" aims to help you to slow down and breathe better through slowing looking of art with paintings by our Singapore artists. 


A 30 mins virtual session with three parts:

Part 1: Slowing 

Let's Breathe - simple breathing exercises to settle down

Part 2: Seeing 

Let's See - guided looking of one painting

Part 3: Sharing

Let's Share - reflection and learning from others 


We hope that everyone can take a break from work, school, caregiving, and life in general once a week during lunch time for just 30 mins.


So join us every Wednesday at 1.30pm free on our TikTok livestream! 


If you are looking for employee mental wellbeing programmes, we can organize Zoom sessions catered to your employees too.  Just drop us an email at!


Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. - Thomas Merton